Succeed in Your Life
In the California State University System, the largest of its kind in the nation Cal Poly Pomona is a one-of-a-kind campus in a renowned university system that spans the state and serves as an engine of innovation and prosperity. We pride ourselves on our diversity, inclusiveness and accessibility, and we embrace those who choose to join our university community. This is a place where you have an opportunity to earn tenure, build a career and transform lives. Many of our students are the first in their family to attend college. Our students appreciate the benefits of a unique polytechnic education.

Campus Diversity and Community
- Accessibility
- Black Thriving Initiative
- Facts and Figures
- Inclusive Excellence
- Latino Faculty Staff and Students Association
- Student Centers:
- We Are CPP
Professional Growth
- Awards and Recognitions
- Center for Community Engagement
- Continued Education
- Employee and Organizational Development and Advancement (EODA)
- Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE)
- Faculty Affairs (Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, Leaves, & Sabbaticals)
- National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)
- Office of Undergraduate Research
- Resources
Staff and Management

Campus Culture and Activities
- Arabian Horse Show
- Campus Events Calendar
- Cal Poly Pomona Farm Store @ Kellogg Ranch
- Cal Poly Rose Float
- Foundation Dining Services @ Cal Poly Pomona
- Kellogg West Conference Center and Hotel @ Cal Poly Pomona
- Huntley Gallery
- Kellogg Gallery
- Music Calendar of Events
- Neutra VDL House (Silverlake, CA)
- Pumpkin Festival
- The Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch
- Theatre and New Dance Production Season
- W.K. Arabian Horse Center & Library

Disclaimer: The lists and links found on this site are not an endorsement of any of these locations or services by Cal Poly Pomona University.