Step 2: Find the Requirements
Change of Major Requirements Tool
If you have completed 0-59 units,you must meet the lower division requirements. If you have completed 60+ units, you must meet the upper division requirements.
For the majors with 2 asterisks (**), the major is impacted. This means that Change of Major requests are only processed to be effective in the fall semester, and are subject to available space.
These requirements are effective the first day of Fall 2023 instruction through the day before the first day of Fall 2025 instruction.
If you are an Undeclared student, please use the Major Declaration Tool on the Undeclared website.
2023-24 and 2024-25 Change of Major Tool
Last Updated: 12/6/24 3:40 p.m.
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.5 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in COM 1100 or COM 2204, ENG 1101 or ENG 1103, MAT 1250 and STA 1200
- Attend Change of Major Meeting
Contact Information
Location: Building 164, Room 2064
Phone: (909) 869-2365
Department Change of Major Website:
Aerospace Engineering**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.25 CPP, Overall and courses in ARO Core GPA
- Completed ARO 1011L, ARO 1021L, ARO 2021L, and ARO 2041 all with ARO GPA of 3.25 or better
- B or better in MAT 1140, MAT 1150, PHY 1510, and PHY 1510L
- Completed at least 30 semester units completed at CPP.
- *Preferred: Requests should be submitted to the department office by the 5th week of spring semester
Contact Information
Location: Building 17, Room 2132
Phone: (909) 869-2470
Agribusiness and Food Industry Management
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- Have a 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 2, Room 207
Phone: (909) 869-2207
Agricultural Science
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 2, Room 209
Phone: (909) 869-2206
Animal Health Science**
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 3.5 Overall GPA
- C or better in STA 1200, CHM 1210/L, BIO 1150/L or 1210/L, and ENG 1101 or 1103
- At least 30 semester units completed
- Schedule an appointment with Dr. Joanne Sohn
Unfortunately, upper-division major changes into Animal Health Science are not accepted.
Contact Information
Location: Building 2, Room 123
Phone: (909) 869-2401
Animal Science: Animal Science and Pre-Veterinary Science/Graduate School Options**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.5 Overall GPA
- C or better in STA 1200, CHM 1210/L, BIO 1150/L or 1210/L, and ENG 1101 or 1103
- At least 30 semester units completed
- Schedule an appointment with Dr. Hyungchul Han
Contact Information
Location: Building 2, Room 123
Phone: (909) 869-2089
Anthropology: Applied Anthropology, Archaeology, and General Anthropology Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 5, Room 150
Phone: (909) 869-3569
Apparel Merchandising and Management: Apparel Production and Management, Fashion Retailing, and Textiles Subplan/Options Requirements for Lower-Division and
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 45, Room 152
Phone: (909) 869-3377
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- Lower division change of major requests are not accepted.
- 3.25 CPP and Overall GPA
- Requests must be submitted no later than November 30. A CPP change of major is placed in first year courses and must satisfy the GE Math/Physics requirements for Architecture.
Contact Information
Location: Building 7, Room 210
Phone: (909) 869-4114
Art History
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 13, Room 2113
Phone: (909) 869-3508
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.25 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in BIO 1210/L and BIO 1220/L
- Students must have completed 2 full semesters at CPP. Students must first meet with a Biology Faculty Advisor and attach a signed advising worksheet to the Change of Major request e-form. Current Biology students who want to switch to a different major within Biology can submit the Change of Major request at any time.
Contact Information
Location: Building 8, Room 119
Phone: (909) 869-4038
College of Science Advising Center Change of Major Website:
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.25 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in BIO 1210/L and BIO 1220/L
- Students must have completed 2 full semesters at CPP. Students must first meet with a Biology Faculty Advisor and attach a signed advising worksheet to the Change of Major request e-form. Current Biology students who want to switch to a different major within Biology can submit the Change of Major request at any time.
Contact Information
Location: Building 8, Room 120
Phone: (909) 869-4039
College of Science Advising Center Change of Major Website:
Chemical Engineering**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.0 CPP, Overall and courses in CHE Core GPA
- C or better in MAT 1140 and MAT 1150
- Requests must be submitted to the department office by the 5th week of spring semester
Contact Information
Location: Building 17, Room 2124
Phone: (909) 869-2626
Chemistry: American Chemical Society, Biochemistry, and General Chemistry Subplan/Options**
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Students must submit the Change of Major form online, and the department office will schedule an advising appointment with a faculty member once the form is received.
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in CHM 1210/L and CHM 1220/L
- C or better in MAT 1140 and MAT 1150
- Students must submit the Change of Major form online, and the department office will schedule an advising appointment with a faculty member once the form is received.
Contact Information
Location: Building 8, Room 333
Phone: (909) 869-3653
Civil Engineering: Environmental Engineering, General Civil Engineering, and Geospatial Engineering Subplan/Options**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.0 CPP, Overall and courses in CE Core GPA
- C or better in MAT 1140
- Requests must be submitted to the department office by the 5th week of spring semester
Contact Information
Location: Building 17, Room 2651
Phone: (909) 869-2488
Communication: Communication Studies, Multimedia Journalism, and Public Relations Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 1, Room 313
Phone: (909) 869-3522
Computer Engineering**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.1 CPP, Overall and courses in Computer Engineering Core GPA
- C or better in MAT 1140 and MAT 1150
- Requests must be submitted to the department office by the 5th week of spring semester
Contact Information
Location: Building 9, Room 407
Phone: (909) 869-4609
Computer Information Systems
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Review this webpage to ensure you want to switch to CIS
- Contact the CIS Department Chair after submitting the Change of Major petition
Contact Information
Location: Building 164, Room 1022
Phone: (909) 869-3235
Department Website:
Computer Science**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper Division Students
- 3.25 CPP, Overall and courses in CS Core GPA
- B or better in CS 1300, CS 1400 and CS 2400
- B or better in MAT 1140, MAT 1150, PHY 1510 and PHY 1510L
- Completed at least 30 semester units (at least one academic year) at CPP
- Once all of the requirements listed above have been met, students must email with current unofficial transcripts to be added to a Canvas Change of Major module. When you successfully complete the module, you can submit the Change of Major form.
Contact Information
Location: Building 8, Room 49
Phone: (909) 869-3440
College of Science Advising Center Change of Major Website:
Construction Engineering and Management
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 17, Room 2651
Phone: (909) 869-2488
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 5, Room 247
Phone: (909) 869-3890
Early Childhood Studies
NOTE: For the two ITEP (integrated teacher education program) options, we will not accept any change of majors for either option at this time.
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in ECS 1000, ECS 1100, ECS 2010/2010A, and ECS 2350
Contact Information
Location: Building 6, Room 105
Phone: (909) 869-3153
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 164, Room 1030
Phone: (909) 869-2453
Economics: Applied Economics, General Economics, and Quantitative Economics Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 1, Room 340
Phone: (909) 869-3842
Electrical Engineering**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.1 CPP, Overall and courses in Electrical Engineering Core GPA
- C or better in MAT 1140 and MAT 1150
- Requests must be submitted to the department office by the 5th week of spring semester
Contact Information
Location: Building 9, Room 407
Phone: (909) 869-4609
Electronic Systems Engineering Technology (ESET)
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in MAT 1060 and PHY 1210
Contact Information
Location: Building 9, Room 244
Phone: (909) 869-2492
Electromechanical Systems Engineering Technology (EMSET)
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in MAT 1060 and PHY 1210
Contact Information
Location: Building 9, Room 244
Phone: (909) 869-2492
English: Applied Language Studies, English Education, and Literary Studies Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 24, Room 214
Phone: (909) 869-3940
Environmental Biology**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.25 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in BIO 1210/L and BIO 1220/L
- Students must have completed 2 full semesters at CPP. Students must first meet with a Biology Faculty Advisor and attach a signed advising worksheet to the Change of Major request e-form. Current Biology students who want to switch to a different major within Biology can submit the Change of Major request at any time.
Contact Information
Location: Building 8, Room 120
Phone: (909) 869-4039
College of Science Advising Center Change of Major Website:
Finance, Real Estate, and Law
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.00 CPP and Overall GPA
- Attend an information session to submit petition
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.00 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in MAT 1250, EC 2201, EC 2202, ACC 2070 and ACC 2080
- Attend an information session to submit petition
Contact Information
Location: Building 164, Room 2050
Phone: (909) 869-2350
Department Change of Major Website:
Food Science and Technology
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.00 CPP and Overall GPA
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.00 CPP and Overall GPA
- C- or better in BIO 1150, CHM 1220, FST 1250, MAT 1200, and PHY 1210
Contact Information
Location: Building 7, Room 110
Phone: (909) 869-2164
Gender, Ethnicity, and Multicultural Studies: GEMS and Pre-Credential Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 94, Room 363
Phone: (909) 869-3593 or (909) 869-2895
Geography: Environmental Studies, Geographic Studies, and Geospatial Analysis Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 5, Room 150
Phone: (909) 869-3569
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Schedule an appointment with the Department Chair
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in GSC 1110, GSC 1120, or any upper division GSC course
- Schedule an appointment with the Department Chair
Contact Information
Location: Building 8, room 242C
Phone: (909) 869-3460
History: General and Pre-Credential Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 94, Room 343
Phone: (909) 869-3860
Hospitality Management
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- Enrollment in HRT 1010 is recommended, but not required
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Attend Change of Major Meeting
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Completed or enrolled in HRT 1010
- C or better in HRT 2740 or ACC 2070 or equivalent
- Attend Change of Major Meeting
Contact Information
Location: Building 79B, 2nd Floor Lobby
Phone: (909) 869-2275
Industrial Engineering
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 17, Room 2643
Phone: (909) 869-2555
International Business
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Attend Change of Major meeting
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in STA 1200
- Attend Change of Major meeting
Contact Information
Location: Building 164, Room 3068
Phone: (909) 869-2436
Department Change of Major Website:
Kinesiology: General Subplan/Option
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.8 CPP and Overall GPA
- Students must complete at least 1 semester at CPP. Once above requirements have been met, students must email to be added to a Canvas Change of Major module. Upon successful completion of the module, students will be given next steps. For current Pedagogy students who want to switch to general, they must have completed 1 semester at CPP, meet the GPA requirement, meet the course requirements and meet with the department chair or associate chair for advising.
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.8 CPP and Overall GPA
- "C" or better in BIO 1150/L or BIO 1210/L and STA 1200
- Students must complete at least 1 semester at CPP. Once above requirements have been met, students must email to be added to a Canvas Change of Major module. Upon successful completion of the module, students will be given next steps. For current Pedagogy students who want to switch to general, they must have completed 1 semester at CPP, meet the GPA requirement, meet the course requirements and meet with the department chair or associate chair for advising.
Kinesiology: Physical Education Teach Education Subplan/Option
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 66, Room 212
Phone: (909) 869-2766
College of Science Advising Center Change of Major Website:
Landscape Architecture
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Meet with first-year faculty advisor or department chair
Contact Information
Location: Building 7, Room 222
Phone: (909) 869-2673
Liberal Studies: General and Pre-Credential Subplan/Options
NOTE: For the two ITEP (integrated teacher education program) options, we will not accept any change of majors for either option at this time.
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Attend Major Info Session meeting
Contact Information
Location: Building 94, Room 203
Phone: (909) 869-3567
Department Website:
Management and Human Resources
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Attend Change of Major meeting
Contact Information
Location: Building 164, Room 3064
Phone: (909) 869-2414
Department Change of Major Website:
Manufacturing Engineering
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 17, Room 2643
Phone: (909) 869-2555
Marketing Management
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Attend Change of Major meeting
Contact Information
Location: Building 164, Room 3068
Phone: (909) 869-2436
Department Change of Major Website:
Mathematics: Applied Mathematics/Statistics and Secondary Teacher Prep/Pure Mathematics Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Email for access to the online Change of Major materials.
- For a Change of Major form to be processed in the semester in which it is submitted, please submit it by week 8 of the semester.
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in MAT 1140, 1150, and 2140
- Email for access to the online Change of Major materials.
- For a Change of Major form to be processed in the semester in which it is submitted, please submit it by week 8 of the semester.
Contact Information
Location: Building 8, Room 113
Phone: (909) 869-3142
Mechanical Engineering**
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 3.2 CPP GPA, 3.2 Overall GPA, and 3.2 GPA in Mechanical Engineering major-required courses
- B or better in MAT 1140, MAT 1150, PHY 1510 and PHY 1510L
- Completed at least 30 semester units at CPP
- Requests must be submitted to the department office by the 5th week of spring semester
- Contact the Mechanical Engineering Department Chair before submitting the petition
Contact Information
Location: Building 17, Room 2353
Phone: (909) 869-2575
Music: General and Music Industry Studies Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Music: Music Education, Composition, Pedagogy, and Performance Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Audition required
- Portfolio required (Composition only)
Contact Information
Location: Building 24, Room 141
Phone: (909) 869-3549
Nutrition: Dietetics Subplan/Option
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- B- or better in NTR 1000, BIO 2350/L, NTR 2350/L, and NTR 3130
- C- or better in CHM 2010
- Requires an orientation before applying for a change of major.
Nutrition: Nutrition Science Subplan/Option
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- B- or better in NTR 1000, BIO 2350/L, NTR 2350/L, and NTR 3130
- C- or better in CHM 2010
- Please make an appointment with Dr. Burns-Whitmore.
Nutrition: Nutrition and Health Subplan/Option
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- B- or better in NTR 1000, BIO 2350/L, NTR 2350/L, and NTR 3130
- C- or better in CHM 2010
- Please make an appointment with Dr. Burns-Whitmore.
Contact Information
Location: Building 7, Room 110
Phone: (909) 869-2164
Philosophy: General and Law & Society Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 1, Third Floor
Phone: (909) 869-4766
Physics: Biophysics, General, and Integrated Science Subplan/Options**
Requirements for Lower-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in PHY 1510/L, PHY 1520/L and MAT 1150
- Schedule a meeting with the department chair
Requirements for Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in MAT 2140 and MAT 2250
- C- or better in PHY 2530, PHY 2530A and PHL 2530L
- Schedule a meeting with the department chair
Contact Information
Location: Building 8, Room 231
Phone: (909) 869-4014
College of Science Advising Center Change of Major Website:
Plant Science
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 2, Room 209
Phone: (909) 869-2214
Political Science
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Directly email Department Chair to set up advising and approval meeting
Contact Information
Location: Building 94, Room 303
Phone: (909) 869-3887
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- PSY 2201, PSY 2210, and STA 1200
Contact Information
Location: Building 5, Room 110
Phone: (909) 869-3888
Science, Technology, and Society
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 1, Room 325
Phone: (909) 869-4766
Sociology: General and Social Work Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- C or better in SOC 2201, SOC 2205 and STA 1200
Contact Information
Location: Building 5, Room 247
Phone: (909) 869-3890
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 24, Room 214
Phone: (909) 869-3940
Technology and Operations Management
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 164, Room 1030
Phone: (909) 869-2453
Theatre: Acting, Dance Theatre, Design and Technical Production, General, and Theatre in Education and Community Engagement Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 25, Room 114
Phone: (909) 869-3900
Urban and Regional Planning: Community Development and Social Justice, Infrastructure and Transportation, Resiliency, Sustainability and the Environment, and Urban Design Subplan/Options
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
- Meet with department chair
Contact Information
Location: Building 7, Room 224
Phone: (909) 869-2688
Visual Communication Design
Requirements for Lower-Division and Upper-Division Students
- 2.0 CPP and Overall GPA
Contact Information
Location: Building 13, Room 2113
Phone: (909) 869-3508
Double Majoring
If you are requesting a second major (option), it must have at least 24-70 unique units not double-counted with your primary major. Please review the University Catalog's Declaration of Minors and Additional Majors section under Academic Policies for the specific number of units you can double-count.
Tips for Using this Tool
What it means if the major requires a change of major meeting: You may be required to attend a meeting before you can submit the change of major form. The tool includes any information about these requirements, and a link to upcoming meetings if that’s available. If you’re not sure, ask the academic department if there are meetings and when they are being held.
How to check your GPA: You can check your GPA in the GPA section of your Degree Progress Report or at the bottom of your unofficial transcript. Your DPR has your cumulative, core and CPP GPAs, while your unofficial transcript has just your cumulative GPA.
The difference between impacted and non-impacted: If a major is impacted, it means that Change of Major requests are only processed to be effective in the fall semester, and are subject to available space.
What it means when you need a specific course: Some majors may require passing prerequisite courses before they can apply to change their major. Use the Course Catalog to learn more about what those courses are, and if there are any additional prerequisites. Use your Degree Progress Report to know if you’ve already completed the course. Use the BroncoDirect Class Search to see if those courses are scheduled for an upcoming term, or visit the academic department to see if they have projected course offerings. Finally, plan to talk to your academic advisor to confirm if you’re ready to take these courses.
Compare and contrast what you’re interested in: If you’re between majors, look at the requirements for switching and consider how long it’ll take you to meet the change of major requirements.
The timing of submitting your change of major form: For some majors, you can submit the change of major form at any time. For others, you may have a specific deadline to officially change your major that year. The tool includes any special instructions about timing.