Parenting Student Support


More than 1 in 5 students are student parents

Research is continually being conducted nationally to better support the student parent population. This page will be updated with research and articles that provide important context to this important group, which makes up more than 20 percent of the college student population.

California State University

Cal Poly Pomona Scholar Research

California Competes - Higher Education for a Strong Economy

Institute for Women's Policy Research

 Also See


A parent interacts with children

Pulling Double Duty: Help Student Parents Succeed by Creating a Family-Friendly Campus Culture
Brianne Dávila, Ph.D., Giselle Navarro-Cruz, Ph.D., Ishia Barajas-Orozco, M.S., Anna Liu, and Sara Carrillo

Colleges and universities should acknowledge student parent experiences and implement policies and practices to foster a family-friendly culture.

Read the Article [pdf]