Student Conduct & Integrity


Request a Workshop 

Student Conduct & Integrity staff conduct trainings and workshops on an as-needed basis for campus departments, classes, student organizations and other groups on campus. To request a training, please fill out this form:

If staff are not available to accommodate the request, then we will do our best to communicate availabilities and coordinate alternatives as needed. We also ask that all requests be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance. Requests will be scheduled based on staff availability. For any questions or concerns, contact us at 909-869-6985 or at  

Academic Integrity Workshops

Our office hosts Academic Integrity workshops throughout the semester. Consider attending one of our upcoming workshops! For faculty members, consider sending your students to one of our workshops.

The workshops will be held in a hybrid format (in person and via Zoom). In-person workshops will be held in the Library on the 2nd floor in Room 2907, and will take place during U-Hour (12pm-1pm) on the dates listed below.

You will receive more information after registering for a workshop. Please contact our office for more information or if you have any questions. To sign up to attend a workshop, click on the appropriate link below.

For faculty, if you would like our office to host an Academic Integrity workshop for your class, please email our office at and we will meet with you to discuss the workshop.

Academic Integrity Workshop Schedule

Thur, Feb. 6

Tues, Mar. 18

Thurs, Apr. 24