Academic Senate

March 26, 2025 Academic Senate Meeting

Time: 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Building 98-P2-007 (Classroom off the Paseo)


March 26, 2025 Academic Senate Agenda (PDF)

1. Academic Senate Minutes March 5, 2025 (PDF) 

2. Information Items

  1. Chair’s Report (PDF)
  2. President’s Report
  3. Provost’s Report (PDF)
  4. Vice Chair’s Report(PDF)
  5. ASCSU Report (PDF)
  6. Budget Report (PDF)
  7. CFA Report
  8. ASI Report
  9. Staff Report (PDF)
3. Consent Agenda
  1. GE-002-245, Delete BIO 1110 – Life Science (GE Area B2) - SECOND READING (PDF)
  2. GE-003-245, Delete BIO1110L – Life Science Laboratory (GE Area B2/B3) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  3. GE-004-245, Modify BIO 1150 – Basic Biology (GE Area B2) to BIO 1150 – Biology and Society (GE Area 5B) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  4. GE-013-245, Modify BIO 1150L – Basic Biology Laboratory (GE Areas B2/B3) to BIO 1150L – Biology and Society Laboratory (GE Area 5C) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  5. GE-005-245, Modify BIO 2120 – Life Science for Elementary Educators (GE Area 5B) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  6. GE-006-245, CHM 1010 – Chemistry in Our World (GE Area 5A) - SECOND READING (PDF)
  7. GE-007-245, Modify CS 3750 – Computers and Society (GE Areas 4C/5D) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  8. GE-008-245, Modify GEO 1010L – Physical Geography Laboratory (GE Area 5C) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  9. GE-009-245, Modify GSC 2120 – Earth Science for Elementary Educators (GE Area 5A) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  10. GE-010-245, Modify MAT 1140 – Calculus I (GE Area 2) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  11. GE-011-245, Modify MAT 1300 – Technical Calculus (GE Area 2) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  12. GE-014-245, Modify MAT 1200 – Calculus for Life Science (GE Area 2) – SECOND READING (PDF)
  13. GE-012-245, Modify PHY 1050 – The Physics of Musical Sound (GE Area 5A) – SECOND READING (PDF)

4. Academic Senate Committee Reports – Time Certain 3:45 p.m.

  1. AP-002-245, New Physical Education Leadership and Advocacy Option in the state-support MS in Kinesiology – SECOND READING (PDF)
  2. AP-003-245, New General Option in the state-support MS in Kinesiology - SECOND READING (PDF)
  3. AP-004-245, New Health and Human Performance Option in the state-support MS in Kinesiology - SECOND READING (PDF)
  4. AP-005-245, New Adapted Physical Education Option in the state-support MS in Kinesiology – SECOND READING (PDF)
  5. AA-001-234, Review of Policy 1407 Exclusion of Students from Class – FIRST READING (PDF)
  6. AA-002-234, Review of Policy 1416 Taping of Faculty Lectures – FIRST READING (PDF)
  7. FA-003-245, Review of Policy 1212: Proposal for Changing the Provost’s Awards Presentation to Fall Conference – FIRST READING (PDF)
  8. FA-009-234, Review of Policy 1328 Procedures for Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion and Periodic Evaluation of Probationary Faculty – FIRST READING (PDF)
5. New Business
  1. None
6. Old Business
  1. None

7. Discussion - Time Approximate 4:30 p.m.

  1. General Education Re-Certification (PDF) – Time Approximate 4:30 p.m.
  • Aaron DeRosa, Interim Faculty Director
  • Keith Forward, Interim AVP for Academic Planning
  • Mario Guerrero, General Education Committee Chair
  • Laura Massa, AVP for Academic Programs