Research & Projects
Research Projects & Field Work
An additional objective of the grant is to enhance collaborative research projects between the campuses, as well as obtain cutting-edge field equipment for field projects and interactive lab and field experiments in key classes. The goal is to foster mentoring relationships between students and faculty, to expose students to 'real science,' enhance students’ enthusiasm for continued education, and increase success in undergraduate careers and beyond.
Field Courses
Field Courses in Environmental Sciences can provide valuable experience by studying in the field. Click here for current opportunities.
2012 Environmental Sciences Field trip to Hawaii: This summer, 8 students from Geology and Environmental Biology along with Drs. Jascha Polet and Erin Questad traveled to Hilo, Hawaii for a unique shared Gelogy/Environmental Biology field experience. The students from both departments ran a seismic experiment on Kilauea volcano, made measurements on plants in a wet forest and visited many sites of geological and biological interest around the island. Read More about Field Courses.....
- See Photos of of the 2012 Environmental Sciences Field trip to Hawaii
- Field Trips Geology: Geology Majors are engaged in a variety of internships and research experiences working from localities including Alaska, Hawaii, Costa Rica and local areas.
Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Reserch: PCC transfer students will be guided to opportunities to participate in workshops and undergraduate research activities to promote professional development and
success. Click here for Paid Internships 2015
Sophomores to Seniors can also apply for funds to support faculty-sponsored research at Cal Poly and national/international opportunities. Your advisors will assist in finding suitable summer and academic year research experiences.
Also check out links on right (OUR CPP and Department sites) for other programs.
Geological Sciences Research with PCC & CPP
See Photos of the new equipment and description of their use in Environmental Sciences.