All talks, unless otherwise stated, take place on the first floor of the Cal Poly Pomona Library, room 1807.
Monday, August 17, 2015
- 8:30 am-8:50 am, A Generalized Bounded Graph Coloring Problem (PDF), Mehdi Toloo and Esmail Keshavarz
- 9:00 am-9:20 am, Some Skolem Square Difference Mean Graphs, K. Indirani (PDF), R. Thilagavathi and J. Shiama
- 9:30 am-9:50 am, The Mixing of Discrete Unimodality: Characterizations and Closure Properties (PDF), M.I. A. Ageel
- 10:00 am-10:15 am, Welcome from Dean Brian Jersky, College of Science, Cal Poly Pomona
- 10:30 am-10:50 am, Lozenge Tilings of a Hexagon with Three Holes (PDF) , Tri Lai
- 11:00 am-11:20 am, Lozenge Tilings of Halved Hexagons with Defects (PDF), Ranjan Rohatgi
- 11:30 am-Noon, Walk to Kellogg West for lunch
- Noon-1:30 pm, Lunch at Kellogg West
- 1:30 pm-2:00 pm Walk back to Library, room 1807
- 2:00 pm-2:20 pm, Counting Colored Paths Using Partial Bell Polynomials (PDF), Michael Weiner
- 2:30 pm-2:50 pm, A Family of Bell Transformations (PDF), Juan B. Gil
- 3:00 pm-3:20 pm, On Restricted Words and Colored Compositions (PDF), Daniel Birmajer
- 3:20 pm-3:50 pm, Break
- 3:50 pm-4:10 pm, An Elliptic Analogue of the Rook Numbers (PDF) , Michael Schlosser and Meesue Yoo
- 4:20 pm-5:10 pm, Tutorial on Non-Intersecting Lattice Paths, Classical Group Characters and Multivariate (Basic) Hypergeometric Series (PDF), Christian Krattenthaler
- 7:00 pm-9:30 pm, Dinner and The Analytic Combinatorics Point of View of Philippe Flajolet on Lattice Paths, Cyril Banderier, Kellogg West
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
- 9:00 am-9:20 am, The Goulden-Jackson Cluster Method for Monoid Networks and an Application to Lattice Path Enumeration (PDF), Yan Zhuang
- 9:30 am-9:50 am, Fixed Points of Pattern-Avoiding Permutations (PDF), Christopher Hoffman, Douglas Rizzolo and Erik Slivken
- 10:00 am-10:30 am, Break
- 10:30 am-10:50 am, Lattice Paths and Tilings Using Stern Polynomials (PDF), Karl Dilcher and Larry Ericksen
- 11:00 am-11:20 am, Hilbert Polynomial of Ladder Determinantal Ideals: A Perspective (PDF), Devadatta Kulkarni
- 11:30 am-Noon, Walk to Kellogg West for lunch
- Noon-1:30 pm, Lunch at Kellogg West
- 1:30 pm-2:00 pm, Walk back to Library, room 1807
- 2:00 pm-2:20 pm, Analyzing Extreme Values and Loss Parameters of Queuing Models in a Finite Time Interval (PDF), Gerardo Rubino
- 2:30 pm-2:50 pm, Asymptotic Estimates for the Level Distribution of Stable Queues with Time-Varying Periodic Transition Rates (PDF) , Barbara Margolius
- 3:00 pm-3:20 pm, Counting Lattice Paths having Step Sizes of {-2, -1, 1, 2} from j to k, where j, k are Natural Numbers and the Path Never Touches nor Goes Below the x-axis , Alan Krinik, Dmitry Kruchinin, Vladimir Kruchinin and David Nguyen
- 3:20 pm-3:50 pm, Break
- 3:50 pm-4:10 pm, Generalised Ballot Theorem in a Combinatorial Analysis of M/M [m]/1 Queue (PDF), Gopalan Nair
- 4:20 pm-5:10 pm, Professor Lajos Takács: Life and Contribution to Combinatorics (PDF), Aliakbar Haghighi and Sri Gopal Mohanty
- 7:00 pm-9:30 pm, Dinner and Mathemagics (PDF), Arthur Benjamin, Kellogg West
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
- 8:30 am-8:50 am, Distributed Patterns in Paths (PDF), Ran Pan and Jeffrey Remmel
- 9:00 am-9:20 am, Two Recent Applications of Lattice Path Theory to Other Areas of Combinatorics (PDF), Antonio Blanca, Samuel Connolly, Zachary Gabor and Anant Godbole
- 9:30 am-9:50 am, The World of Jagdish Narayan Srivastava (PDF), Subir Ghosh
- 9:50 am-10:00 am, Remembering Professor Joti Lal Jain, Sri Gopal Mohanty
- 10:00 am-10:30 am, Break
- 10:30 am-10:50 am, Combinatorial Proofs of Fibonomial Identities (PDF), Arthur Benjamin and Elizabeth Reiland
- 11:00 am-11:20 am, Number of Points of Schubert Varieties over Finite Fields (PDF), Sudhir Ghorpade
- 11:30 am-Noon, Walk to Kellogg West for lunch
- Noon-1:30 pm, Lunch at Kellogg West
- 1:30 pm-2:00 pm, Walk back to Library, room 1807
- 2:00 pm-2:20 pm, Göllnitz's (Big) Partition Theorem and a New Companion (PDF) , Krishnaswami Alladi
- 2:30 pm-2:50 pm, On a Problem by Don Knuth: Lattice paths of Slope 2/5 (PDF), Cyril Banderier
- 3:00 pm-3:50 pm, Shreeram Abhyankar and His Work on Enumerative Combinatorics (PDF) , Sudhir Ghorpade and Devadatta Kulkarni
- 3:50 pm-4:10 pm, Break
- 4:10 pm-4:30 pm, Congruences for the Fishburn Numbers (PDF), George Andrews and James Sellers
- 4:40 pm-5:00 pm, Walks in the Quarter-Plane with Multiple Steps (PDF), Manuel Kauers and Rika Yatchak
- 7:00 pm-10:00 pm, Dinner and talk On George Andrews and Shreeram Abhyankar (PDF), Krishnaswami Alladi, Concluding Remarks by Alan Krinik at the Kellogg House
Thursday, August 20, 2015
- 8:30 am-8:50 am, Asymptotic Behaviour of the q-Poisson Distributions Heine and Euler by Pointwise Convergence (PDF), Andreas Kyriakoussis and Malvina Vamvakari
- 9:00 am-9:20 am, The Combinatorics Governing the Periodicity of p(n, d) Modulo M (PDF), Felix Breuer, Dennis Eichhorn*, and Brandt Kronholm
- 9:30 am-9:50 am, Orthogonal Polynomials and Motzkin Paths with Peak and Flat Restrictions (PDF), Jordan Tirrell
- 10:00 am-10:30 am, Break
- 10:30 am-10:50 am, Laws Relating Runs, Long Runs, and Steps in Gambler's Ruin, with Persistence in Two Strata (PDF), Gregory J. Morrow
- 11:00 am-11:20 am, A Half-Normal Limit Distribution Scheme (PDF), Michael Wallner
- 11:30 am-Noon, Walk to Kellogg West for lunch
- Noon-1:30 pm, Lunch at Kellogg West
- 1:30 pm-2:00 pm, Walk back to Library, room 1807
- 2:00 pm-2:20 pm, The Concept of Pseudo-Dual of a System of Differential Equations (PDF), Alan Krinik and Gerardo Rubino*
- 2:30 pm-2:50 pm, A New Family of Lattice Paths Enumerating Cores (PDF), Tewodros Amdeberhan and Emily Leven
- 3:00 pm-3:20 pm, The Dehn-Somerville Relations and the Catalan Matroid (PDF), Anastasia Chavez and Nicole Yamzon
- 3:30 pm-3:50 pm, The Restart Queue Model, Alan Krinik and Satori Schweitz