Transfer Students
LSAMP will award $1,000 to selected transfer students in their first year at Cal Poly Pomona. Awards will be in the form of credit to your Bronco Card and will be subject to fulfilling program requirements. Contact the Campus Coordinator to apply.
Activites for Transfer Students
- Students transferring from community colleges will be provided pre-enrollment advisement through class scheduling workshops conducted during the summer in preparation for the fall quarter. Students will receive assistance in interpreting articulated course agreements and in selecting classes for the fall. Contact SEES director if in Science and Math or MEP director if in Engineering.
- First time transfer LSAMP participants should enroll in an orientation course, EGR 100L for Engineering or SCI 110, for Science & Math students. These courses are specifically designed to assist in transition to the university. LSAMP staff and faculty teaching these courses will also serve as mentors to advise and guide transfer participants.
- Academic Excellence Workshops (AEW) promote excellence in science and mathematics courses. Peer facilitators facilitate the mastery of specific course content. AEW participants deepen their understanding of content, improve their technical communication skills and build a community of like-minded conscientious students. Visit the SEES Academic Excellence Workshops page for more information.