Registrar's Office

Graduation FAQ

You can apply for graduation by going to your Student Center via BroncoDirect. On the top left-hand side click the down arrow where it says 'other academic' and select 'Apply for Graduation' and begin the application.

If you would like to find out if you qualify for graduation, contact your academic advisor to make sure you have completed all the necessary requirements. You can also look through your DPR to verify completion.

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Once you complete your degree requirements, you should apply for graduation. If you have a minor or double major you are completing, please visit your academic advisor for further guidance.

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The Graduating Senior Registration Window is a special registration time for students who have applied for graduation before a certain deadline.

The registration window means you will register after students with priority but before all other seniors.

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The graduation application fee is $59 per academic program.  This is a non-refundable fee that must be paid once the fee is posted. 

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No, the graduation application fee is only a one-time fee per academic program.  You only need to pay for the same degree and academic program once. 

However, If you graduated with a bachelor’s degree and paid the application fee and pursuing a master’s degree, once again you will need to pay for the master’s degree application fee.

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A $59 graduation application fee will apply to your CPP financial account after the Registrar’s Office starts the degree pre-check process and switch your degree checkout status from applied for graduation to other statuses such as “Approved, Program in Review, Pending coursework.” You may learn more about your graduation application review process by visiting the Steps to Senior Success page.

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Yes, if you have not paid the graduation application fee in the past, you will need to pay it.

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