About PolyTeach
PolyTeach is an annual Cal Poly Pomona conference which provides an opportunity for campus conversations about technology, particularly highlighting the creative ways that faculty use technology to support student learning.
How It Began
The PolyTeach concept was created in 2011, following President Ortiz’s Fall Convocation address in which he emphasized the need for Cal Poly Pomona to use digital technologies to support high quality teaching and learning activities. The Deans’ Council suggested a campus conference to highlight the creative ways in which Cal Poly Pomona faculty were already using technology, and to provide an opportunity for a campus conversation about the future of technology on campus.
An ad hoc committee enthusiastically jumped into planning for the first PolyTeach event, which was April 13, 2012. Special guest speakers addressed the scholarship of teaching and learning with technology, and the concept of “Open Learning Initiatives,” or using technology to open learning to everyone. Several Cal Poly Pomona faculty shared the practical ways they use technology to enhance their students’ experiences.
Contact Us
Thomas Jenkins
PolyTeach Coordinator
eLearning Instructional Designer