Big Data and Cloud Computing

About Big Data and Cloud Computing
The Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCC) Tech Apprenticeship Program is designed for STEM majors that are interested in developing a BDCC skillset using real technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Compute Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. Thanks to National Science Foundation, the CPP BDCC Project Hatchery provides you hands-on learning opportunity and application of it in a real-world project through this amazing apprenticeship opportunity.

2022 - 2023 BDCC Recipents
Alejandra Carmona |
Brandon Chao |
Marc Cruz |
Shane Dirksen |
Lerna Eiesagholian |
Britany Flores |
Isaiah Hessler |
Christopher Hoang |
Jason Jones |
Justin Kim |
Jose Ortiz |
Jonathan Pena |
Stephie Soloarivony |
Dylan Ton |
Gareth Waughan |