Establishing the Office of Conflict Resolution Services and Ombuds

Preparing for the Ombuds and Director of Conflict Resolution Search: Summer Learning Opportunities from Expert Ombuds Professionals

Following several months of recruitment and campus education, the review of a renewed group of candidates for the role of Director/Ombuds will resume in Fall 2024. 

During this time of continued candidate recruitment, the campus has an opportunity for additional engagement, education and capacity building to strengthen our foundation for establishing the new office of Conflict Resolution Services and Ombuds.

We invite staff, faculty and campus leaders to engage in learning that will develop their understanding of conflict engagement in practice and develop their skills and capacity to constructively navigate conflict and build community at Cal Poly Pomona. 

Meet the Facilitators

Andrew Larratt-Smith

Andrew Larratt-Smith, J.D.

Andrew has been the University Ombuds at UC Riverside since 2011. Andrew has been active in the field of alternative dispute resolution since 2004, mediating conflicts first in Boston and then in Southern California.

Over the years, Andrew has worked in a wide range of functions within higher education including: campus ministry, information and technology services, housing services, and academic program administration.  Andrew holds a Juris Doctor* from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law, with a specialization in Critical Race Studies, a Master of Dispute Resolution from Pepperdine School of Law, and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Yale. 

Andrew serves as adjunct faculty at Pepperdine School of Law, teaching about ombuds practice.  He is a member of the International Ombuds Association, as well as the California Bar (inactive).  Andrew is a proud Canadian and a board game enthusiast.

Dawn Osborne-Adams

Dawn Osborne-Adams, J.D.

Dawn Osborne-Adams serves as the University Ombuds and Director of the Ombuds Office at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has devoted her career to helping individuals and organizations build capacity to navigate the challenges of organizational life. Dawn’s experience across sectors, including higher education, government, and private industry, has given her broad insight into how conflict manifests within organizations and what individuals within them need to thrive. Dawn began her career as an ombuds in 2010 and has also served as adjunct faculty at Binghamton University and University of North Carolina School of Law. She relishes any opportunity to engage with others about both the difficulty and necessity of moving through conflict constructively. Dawn is a member of the New York State Bar and holds a Juris Doctor degree from New York University School of Law.

Register to participate in a 2-part Virtual Learning Series:

Part I: Conflict 101: A Conversation about Conflict Basics

Session Type: Facilitated discussion and presentation
Facilitators: Dawn Osborne-Adams, J.D.; Andrew Larratt-Smith, J.D.

Conflict is a natural part of being human and yet we all struggle to access our best selves when we're in the midst of challenging interactions. A deeper understanding of conflict gives us knowledge and insights to return to when times get tough. This facilitated session will provide a foundational exploration into the nature of conflict and will equip participants with essential knowledge and definitions as well as practical frameworks for analyzing conflict -- whether at work or in our every day lives. 

Date: 6/27/24 or 6/28/24 (Session will be offered twice)
Time: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Register for Conflict 101

Part II: What Would You Do? Considering Our Choices in the Midst of Conflict

Session Type: Facilitated discussion and presentation
Facilitators: Dawn Osborne-Adams J.D.; Andrew Larratt-Smith, J.D.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice active listening and asking powerful questions. These two skills are essential to both building community and navigating conflict.

Date: 8/1/24 or 8/2/24 (Session will be offered twice)
Time: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Register for What Would You Do?

Attend an In-Person Workshop During Fall Conference:

The Empathy Café: Building Skills to Support Community Building and Conflict Engagement

Session Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Andrew Larratt-Smith, J.D.

Participants will delve into the crucial skills of active listening and asking powerful questions in an effort to build stronger communities and identify options for navigating conflicts they encounter on campus and in life.

Date: 8/19/24
Time: TBD

Registration Link Coming Soon

Attend a Talk and Discussion:

Facilitating Fairness 

Sesstion Type: Facilitated
Facilitator: Andrew Larratt-Smith, J.D.

A talk on the nuts and bolts of how to increase fairness of processes and interactions on campus and why this is so important in actualizing the kind of campus climate that is envisioned within the principles of community. This talk will provide practical guidance for how to improve everyday campus interactions.

Date: 9/5/24
Time: noon – 1 p.m. (U-Hour)

Regsitration Link Coming Soon