Cal Poly Pomona Hosts Inaugural New Student Convocation to Foster Belonging and Sense of Pride

More than 3,000 incoming first-year and transfer students filled the University Quad on Aug. 20 to officially mark the start of their university experience at Broncos Belong: New Student Convocation, the first time such an event was held at the university.
The main program, headlined by Associated Students Inc. President Cade Wheeler, featured remarks from University President Soraya Coley, Provost Terri Gomez and Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Christina Gonzales.
Jose Aguilar-Hernandez, professor in the educational leadership department, delivered a powerful keynote address that touched on the themes of belonging and community.
“Remain grounded in your purpose here,” said Aguilar-Hernandez, who also served as the mace bearer for the procession. “This purpose will serve as a compass, a map, a light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel that will guide you through the highs and lows.”
In addition to a Stride with Bronco Pride mailer that contained custom socks and a new student roadmap, each student received a T-shirt designed by Harshitha Ravuru (’24, Mechanical Engineering) and a Broncos Belong enamel pin. During a pinning ceremony during the event, students pinned each another, officially becoming members of the Bronco family.
“When you are pinned, you are being welcomed into a community that values belonging,” Wheeler said.
“This act signifies that you are not alone on this journey — you have a network of peers, faculty and staff who are here to support and guide you.”
Following the program, students walked to the Engineering Meadow and Rose Garden, where they had an opportunity to meet new friends, play carnival games and get a free burrito.
One new tradition included the painting of wooden horseshoes, which students were encouraged to toss at the hooves of the Bronco statue outside of Kellogg Arena (the closer it lands to the hooves, the better your luck!).
“Walking the Engineering Meadow was so fulfilling to see students making new friends,” said Armando Madrid, associate dean for student equity and belonging. “Being able to witness students making memories and finding a home at CPP made all the work of organizing this event such a success. I know students will remember this event for years to come.”
Hosted by the Division of Student Affairs and led by Rachel Camacho, associate dean for student experience and Madrid, the inaugural event was a monumental effort.
“Launching an inaugural event such as Broncos Belong: New Student Convocation requires cross-campus collaboration and a commitment to being student-ready. Dr. Madrid and I are grateful to the Division of Student Affairs, our campus partners and the committee for their support in making this event such a success,” said Camacho.
Organizers are already looking forward to taking Broncos Belong to the next level next fall.
“We are looking to bridge New Student Convocation to resources across campus, facilitate connections and give students a sense of belonging — all to ensure that they persist through graduation,” Camacho added.