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Outstanding Advisors for 2023-24 Recognized

headshots of all Outstanding Advisor Award Nominees

Cal Poly Pomona honored the 2023-24 Outstanding Advisors for their dedication to student success at an annual awards reception on April 23. The awards recognized faculty and staff advisors, advising programs and partners, and the inaugural Elizabeth Guevara-Laxamana Advising Champion Award.

Outstanding Advisor Awardees

Outstanding Faculty Advisors: 

Outstanding Staff Advisors: 

Outstanding Advising Programs: 

Outstanding Advising Partners: 

Elizabeth Guevara-Laxamana Advising Champion Award

The inaugural Advising Champion Award was established in memory of Elizabeth Guevara-Laxamana, an advisor who served as a model of compassion and advocacy for student success. This award is given to an individual who has championed the profession of academic advising through their contributions to the campus, CSU, and/or broader academic advising community.

Visit the Outstanding Advisor Awards website for more information and to view past awardees.  
