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FP&M Helps Smooth Out the Road to Commencement

FPM employees working on the commencement set up.

Starting Friday, more than 55,000 people will stream into campus to celebrate the graduation and accomplishments of more than 6,900 students. But before the first graduate is called onto the Commencement stage, hundreds of hours of preparations have been spent ensuring that the pathways to the ceremony venue are clear of snags for graduates and their families.

Monthly inspections by Facilities Planning & Management (FP&M), which have been held since the start of the spring semester, have focused on eliminating tripping hazards and other potential issues in and around the University Quad. FP&M’s landscape, maintenance and custodial departments, as well as the Commencement team, University Police, parking and transportation services, and risk management have been heavily involved in the process.

“A successful Commencement relies on the efforts and talents of many people from many departments,” said Matthew Whinery, senior associate vice president of FP&M. “We want to make this a day to remember for our graduates and their loved ones.”

On the first Thursday of each month, group members inspected the main paths leading to the graduation venue and meticulously noted and photographed areas that may be challenging for people with mobility issues. Maintenance shop staff members patched cracked concrete, filled in divots, and smoothed out uneven sidewalks.   

A tree hazard specialist contracted by FP&M also assessed the hundreds of trees that line the pathways, from the parking lots and in The Quad. Landscape Services trimmed dangling limbs and eliminated other potential hazards.  

Other preparation efforts included:

During the ceremonies, the team’s tasks include:

“Without all these groups working together seamlessly, we wouldn’t be able to stage such a memorable event for graduates, their families and friends,” said Helen Yniguez, director of special events. “We want to give our best to those celebrating lifetime achievements.”

Visit the commencement website to find the schedule and information for graduates, guests and visitors. Read more stories about the class of 2024.