Environmental Review Begins for the 2040 Campus Master Plan Update

Cal Poly Pomona is ready to begin the environmental review process to support the 2040 Campus Master Plan Update, required under the California Environmental Quality Act. This is the last remaining step of the master plan approval process. Members of the campus community and the public are invited to an upcoming virtual meeting on April 24 to provide feedback on the scope of the project’s environmental analysis.
Cal Poly Pomona’s 2040 Campus Master Plan Update is a framework for the long-term physical development of campus to support student success. Building upon the previous Campus Master Plan, the 2040 Campus Master Plan Update is a vision plan that will support the university’s mission, strategic vision and values. It will guide future facility renovations and replacements, open space enhancements, student housing opportunities, campus access and mobility improvements, infrastructure updates, and sustainability initiatives.
“The 2040 Campus Master Plan Update will provide a blueprint for the future of the university,” said Soraya M. Coley, president of Cal Poly Pomona. “We look forward to moving this process forward towards a more sustainable campus.”
The 2040 Campus Master Plan Update was presented to the members of the campus community and surrounding communities between 2017 and 2020. Robust campus engagement and public input helped guide the development of the framework that forges a path towards a more sustainable and cohesive learning environment.
CSU campuses are directed by the CSU Board of Trustees to reevaluate their master plans at least every 10 years. Master planning is a continuing process, and over time there may be revisions to the plan as needs dictate or opportunities arise.
In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly delayed CPP’s planning process and the project was paused, prior to the preparation of the required Environmental Impact Report (EIR). An EIR is a technical document that informs the public about a project’s potential effects on the physical environment.
The project resumed in 2024, and the university has entered the environmental review process.
To kick-off this process, a 30-day public review period for the Notice of Preparation is released to allow public comment on the scope of the upcoming EIR, from April 8 to May 8. On April 24, the campus community and members of the public are invited to participate in an EIR scoping virtual meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. to provide feedback specific to the environmental analysis of the project. Visit the Upcoming Events page on the 2040 Master Plan Update website for more details.
Ultimately, the 2040 Campus Master Plan Update and Final EIR will be considered by the CSU Board of Trustees for certification and approval, which is estimated to be reviewed in summer 2025. The Final EIR is required for the CSU Board of Trustees’ approval and adoption of the Campus Master Plan Update.
To learn more about the 2040 Campus Master Plan Update, visit the Frequently Asked Questions webpage.