Care Center Extends Hours to Better Serve Students

The Care Center at Cal Poly Pomona began a new initiative March 12 aimed at assisting students beyond the traditional 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. operating hours. Every Tuesday and Thursday for the rest of spring semester, the center will remain open through 7 p.m., except Spring Break and the last Thursday of final exam week.
The support is not limited to the Care Center, however. Representatives from well-being departments across Student Affairs are also involved, including Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), the Disability Resource Center, Survivor Advocacy Services, Student Conduct and Integrity, and the Bronco Wellness Center.
This new initiative aims to provide an additional pipeline of support for students who may have a non-traditional schedule or may be seeking help outside of regular hours. For those piloting the initiative, the hope is that having support services available during evening hours will increase opportunities for students to access support.
“Our students are telling us that they are extremely busy between classes, working at least one job, and supporting family members so it is critical that we listen,” said Weston Prisbrey, interim associate dean of students for wellbeing and support.
Students can walk in and immediately connect with support representatives based on their area(s) of need and are encouraged to visit the websites linked above to become familiar with the area of focus of each department.
“While we have implemented a comprehensive marketing plan to get the word out about extended hours, we know that word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting information to our students, so we ask that faculty, staff, and students help us share the word,” said Prisbrey.
For more information about the extended hours initiative, contact Weston Prisbrey at