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Cal Poly Pomona Welcomes New International Students and Scholars with Mid-Autumn Festival

Taiko drummers perform during the mid-autumn festival.

CPP's Global Campus and the College of Professional and Global Education hosted a recent event welcoming new international students and scholars with a celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The luncheon event, attended by around 200 students, faculty and staff, featured a banquet of Asian dishes, pizza, mooncakes, games and prizes, as well as cultural performances from three student groups.

The Sept. 26 event started with taiko drum performance by the Japanese Student Association, followed by a K-pop dance performance by the Korean-American Student Association, and a traditional dance with bamboo sticks by the Filipino-American Student Association.

Lisa Xue, director of the Global Education Institute who acted as the emcee of the event welcomed all and mentioned each of the international students and scholars including degree seeking students, CPELI students, Semester@CPP Students, and Exchange students.

"We want to promote diversity and inclusion and enhance cross cultural awareness between our students, faculty, staff and administrators," Xue said. "As you know, one of themes for the Mid-Autumn celebration is family reunion. We warmly welcome our new international students and scholars to join the Bronco family."

President Coley reiterated that sentiment.

"My special thanks go to our international students for selecting Cal Poly Pomona as your study destination; you certainly made the right decision. We also appreciate that you bring with you your unique culture and global perspective to our campus," Coley said. "At Cal Poly Pomona, we are student centered. We would like to learn from you and learn more about you. I hope you could also learn from others and enhance your cross-cultural knowledge and awareness. "

Speaker Sara Severova

Speaker Sara Severova represented the international students. She said as an international student she loves to get in touch with so many different people with different origins and cultures, and that they all get to share similarities and be inspired by cultural differences.

"I think events that connect students are the most important for inclusion, and this one was special with even meeting the government and president of this school," Severova said. "Since the education system in my country is a lot different, I really appreciate the individual approach here."

Presidential Associate for Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer, Cindy Pickett, thanked all the related on-campus departments for their great support to international students and to the event.

"As the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated for the reunion with family members and friends, Cal Poly Pomona is the home away from home for you," she said. "If you need any help, we are ready to provide our assistance all the time."