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Retirement Events Planned for Career Counselor Cheryl Love

Cheryl Love

The Cal Poly Pomona community is invited to attend two recognition events in honor of Cheryl Love's retirement.

The first event is set for Tuesday, May 17 from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Zoom, with ID: 876 0796 6345. The second event will take place on Thursday, May 19 from noon to 2 p.m. at the Career Center.

Love, a longtime CPP employee, currently serves as the career counselor and liaison to the College of Education and Integrative Studies (CEIS) and the Broncos Dreamers Center. She is also a part-time faculty member in the Department of Educational Leadership and a member of the CEIS Social Justice Advisory Board.

Love has 40 years of experience as a counselor and teacher within the UC, CSU, non-profit sector, community college as well as K-12 education. Over the course of her career, she has worked tirelessly to encourage and support students in completing their degrees and finding a career path that is suitable for them.

Among her greatest achievements is helping to establish a permanent food bank at CPP and assisting with the Diversity Ambassador Program, which educates students on the struggles this country has faced in providing equal rights for all. As a part of the program, she traveled with students to attend the annual Civil Rights Trip in the South, where she served as a facilitator, helping students to become leaders in the fight for equality.

Some of her recent honors include winning the Champion for Fighting Student Hunger Award from CPP Basic Needs and the Presidential Recognition Award from the National Career Development Association (NCDA) for her work in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion. Additionally, she was named Diversity Champion during the 25th Annual Unity Luncheon and Academic Advisor of the Year by Student Affairs.

Love also has been very active in her community, serving as volunteer with the Inland Empire chapter of the Red Cross and working with food distribution organizations such as All Gate Way to Unity Baptist Church to feed families throughout San Bernardino County.

Her last day at CPP will be May 31. For more information, contact Ashley Jones at