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Native American Students Visit Pumpkin Fest, Tour Campus

A young child picks up a pumpkin at the Cal Poly Pomona pumpkin patch.

Cal Poly Pomona welcomed more than 200 students from Anahuacalmecac International University Preparatory of North America to this year's Pumpkin Fest.

During the Oct. 20 visit, 106 elementary school students and 109 middle and high school students from the Los Angeles-based Indigenous school participated in workshops, arts & crafts, and campus tours, ending their day at Centerpointe Dining.

The TRANSFERmation Grant from the College Futures Foundation has allowed the Office of Student Success to explore partnerships with institutions such as Anahuacalmecac International and local Native American and Indigenous tribal groups. These strategic partnerships will promote college readiness and preparation, which are vital at the primary level with the pathway to higher education starting at a very young age, as well as expose youth to elements of campus life.

Cal Poly Pomona aims to foster a strong sense of belonging for diverse student populations. The Native American Student Pipeline Program, the Office of Student Success, Department of Academic Support & Learning Services, the Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers, among other campus departments, worked hard to make this visit successful.