Cal Poly Pomona students can play a puzzle-solving program to discover how their gaming skills can translate to careers in cyber security and obtain scores that can grant access to additional workshops and improve their qualifications for work opportunities.
CyberStart offers educational challenges, tools and games to introduce students to cyber-related careers. Students who score well gain access to CyberStart Essentials, which provides video, audio and lab exercises on the fundamentals of technology and cyber security, preparing them to learn more advanced security skills and participate in hacking challenges. Participants will improve their qualifications for employment as student assistants with cyber faculty and the Division of Information Technology and can also earn cybersecurity scholarships.
Important dates
- 10 - Feb. 14: Register and play CyberstStart Go. No prior technical experience is required.
- 13: CPP CyberStart Group Play, noon to 1 p.m. at the Computer Science Lab (8-51 and 8-52). Play CyberStart, eat pizza and meet CPP Cyber faculty and Information Technology leaders to learn more about Cyber@CPP
- 21-25: Students registered by Feb. 14 will received full game registration
- 15: Scores will be evaluated.
- 30- April 1: Top CyberStart finalist selected for Cyberstart Essential Licenses
- May 1: Top CPP CyberStart winners announced
Visit the CPP CyberStart webpage for more information, and email for additional questions.