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A Successful 2018 Great California ShakeOut at CPP

Campus wide evacuation during the 2018 Great California ShakeOut.

Cal Poly Pomona successfully conducted a campuswide emergency evacuation exercise for the 2018 Great California ShakeOut on Oct. 18.

The campus evacuated the majority of the occupied buildings on campus, and also tested fire alarm systems, the Safety Alert system and the PA system in the CLA Building.

The evacuation, coordination and accountability/roll call procedures were successful, according to the Office of Emergency Management. The event also highlighted emergency management resources and a new CPP earthquake preparedness video.

"This is one of many of our progressive steps in broadening our emergency preparedness on campus, we look forward to continuous improvement and building on what we know and preparing for the unknown" said Whitney Fields, executive director for emergency management and business continuity.

The emergency management team would like to thank all campus participants and also the hard-working, dedicated campus first responders, building marshals, floor captains, facilities management and University Police.

Cal Poly Pomona building marshals and floor captains. Cal Poly Pomona building marshals and floor captains.