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Morocco on Display in New Huntley Gallery Exhibit

A new exhibit at the Don B. Huntley Gallery celebrates Morocco's rich cultural history through photographs, objects and sound installations.

An exhibition tracing the footsteps of 14 Cal Poly Pomona community members who traveled to Morocco last summer recently opened at the Don B. Huntley Gallery.

The exhibit, "Morocco: Crossroads & Meeting Ground," will run through Sept. 20 in the gallery located on the fourth floor of the University Library. It celebrates the country's rich history, art and culture through photographs, objects and sound installations. The five week trip to Morocco was made possible by a Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad fellowship.

"Our group went to Morocco last summer to deepen our understanding of how to teach about Morocco and its place in the Mediterranean world," said Assistant Professor Hilary Haakenson, co-curator and faculty in the College of Education and Integrative Studies (CEIS). "The exhibit is meant to open the Cal Poly community to the layers of this wonderful country's historical and cultural traditions and to break down some of the stereotypes about the region and the Islamic world more broadly."

During the trip, the group studied Arabic at Al Akhawayn University and traveled to several Moroccan cities including Casablanca, Fez, Tangier and Meknès.

"As we went, we documented what we were seeing and learning. This exhibition communicates part of what we learned to you," said Haakenson. "We wanted the exhibit to be informative, educational and to reflect our personal experiences."

"Morocco: Crossroads & Meeting Ground," co-sponsored by CEIS, will be open Monday and Tuesday from noon to 4 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Admission is free and parking is $2 per hour.

For more information, contact Assistant Professor Hilary Haakenson at