Harry Antoniades Anthony, professor emeritus in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, died Feb. 26. He was 95.
In 1971, the College of Environmental Design recruited Anthony to lead its urban and regional planning program, confident that his leadership would steer the young department to maturity.
His reputation preceded him. Anthony was a triple threat: An Ivy League educator, an urban planner who had a hand in designing iconic structures, and an architect and educator who worked under Le Corbusier, one of the pioneers of modern architecture.
Anthony served as chair of urban and regional planning from 1972 to 1976, and taught until 1986. He established a tutoring program for underrepresented students and steadfastly pursued grants for scholarships. In 1975, Cal Poly Pomona honored him with the Outstanding Professor Award. He received emeritus status in the 1982-83 academic year.
Prior to his professorship at ENV, he taught and directed from 1962 to 1965 the graduate division of urban planning at Columbia University's School of Architecture and Planning.
Anthony also was part of the team that implemented the Marshall Plan, the American economic development initiative to help Western Europe rebuild after World War II.
After moving to New York City in the early 1950s, he worked as a city planner and urban designer for Skidmore Owings and Merrill, where he assisted in designing the Lincoln Center, Habana del Este in Cuba, and Idlewild Airport, which is now John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Anthony was the recipient of many teaching honors, among them the International Land Economics Society of Lambda Alpha's 1988 Richard T. Ely Distinguished Educator Award and the 1984 Distinguished Service Award from the San Diego chapter of the American Planning Association.
He was also an accomplished poet.
Those who wish to honor Anthony's memory are encouraged to donate to the student scholarship fund of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (cpp.thankyou4caring.org/pages/harryanthony); and to Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Cardiff-by-the-Sea (www.stsconstantinehelen.com/memorials)
The full obituary was published in the Winter/Spring 2018 issue of ENVirons Magazine.