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New Semester Conversion Planning Tools Are Available

Notebook, iPad, Cal Poly Pomona Guidebook

The countdown clock on the Cal Poly Pomona homepage reminds us every day that we are getting closer to semester conversion. To help students plan for semester conversion, several new tools were released on Nov. 20.

The Quarter to Semester Course Conversion Guide helps transitioning students determine how their remaining quarter curriculum requirements translate into semesters. The Conversion Guide is available on the Semester Conversion website and has an accompanying how-to video. Students are encouraged to use the Conversion Guide in conjunction with their Degree Progress Report, which is located in their BroncoDirect Student Center.

A relaunched semester conversion website has new resources for students, faculty, staff, and academic advisors. This includes a comprehensive student handbook, updated FAQs, listings of workshops and more. More information will be added to the website throughout the academic year.

Students can also plan for their semester courses in MyPlanner, the long-term academic planning tool located in their BroncoDirect Student Center. The MyPlanner website also has an updated how-to video and links to other academic planning resources.

Students are receiving separate communications about their new planning tools. However, there are several things that faculty and staff can do to help students start preparing for the transition:

  • Encourage them to attend university-wide and college or department-specific workshops. Students have already received invitations to workshops on 21 and Nov. 28. More workshops will be offered throughout the academic year.
  • Share the link to the student handbook.
  • Share the link to the one-page information guide. The information guide outlines what students can do in 2017-18 to prepare for semesters.

Students who have specific questions about their curriculum are being directed to visit their faculty advisor or staff advisor in their college's advising center. Students who have general questions about how to use the Conversion Guide or other academic planning tools can visit the Bronco Advising Center.