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Midge the Llama, the Protector of Campus Sheep, Dies

Midge and company traipsing through a Cal Poly Pomona vineyard.

Cal Poly Pomona has lost one of the most popular figures on campus: Midge the Llama.

Midge died peacefully in her sleep earlier this month from natural causes. She was 20 years old, and llamas have an average life span of 20 to 25 years

The Department of Animal & Veterinary Sciences bought Midge from a private owner in Norco in 2014 to protect the university's sheep from the coyotes that prowl in and around the campus. Llamas are very watchful and can put themselves between coyotes and sheep, or chase or kick the predators away.

With snaggly teeth, bulgy eyes and fur often matted with leaves, Midge quickly became a popular figure on campus. Whenever she appeared on the university's Facebook page, students and alumni would flood the page with likes, shares, comments and questions.

The Department of Animal & Veterinary Sciences is accepting donations from anyone interested in helping it purchase a new llama or llamas. Tax-deductible donations can be made online or mailed to Professor Broc Sandelin, Department of Animal & Veterinary Science, Cal Poly Pomona, 3801 W. Temple Ave., Pomona, CA 91768. Checks should be payable to the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation. All funds will go toward the purchase and care of the llama.

Everyone who donates can propose a name for the new llama. The college will select the five most intriguing names and will let the community pick the winner via an online vote. For more information, please contact Professor Broc Sandelin, the department chair, at

Until a new llama is on duty, the sheep will be kept in a more secure, fenced area away from places coyotes commonly prowl.