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CEIS Interim Dean Discusses Semester Conversion, New Dean at Q&A Session

The CEIS Student Council hosted a Q&A session with Interim Dean Nancy Hurlbut on May 16.

Semester conversion and the selection of a new dean were among the topics discussed during a recent Q & A session with the College of Education and Integrative Studies' (CEIS) Interim Dean Nancy Hurlbut.

The CEIS Student Council hosted the May 16 session.

"In keeping with our vision to meet the present and future needs of students in our communities, we hosted this critical event to allow students to provide feedback and ask questions about upcoming changes that will impact them," Hurlbut says. "I'm very proud of our students for taking advantage of this unique opportunity and hope they benefited from our discussion."

The lunch and Q&A session, moderated by CEIS Student Council President Rachel Torres, began with brief introductions, followed by questions regarding the dean's role and how the quarter to semester conversion will affect the teaching credential program beginning Fall 2018. Students expressed their concern about the amount of time it would take to complete the program under the new semester system.

According to Associate Interim Dean Teshia Roby, the amount of time it takes to complete the credential program corresponds to the student's schedule.

"Students on the accelerated track will be able to complete the program within a year and a half," she said.

Other topics included the new dean search and what's next on the horizon for Hurlbut, who announced that Jeff Passe, professor and dean of The College of New Jersey's School of Education, has been selected as the new dean of CEIS effective July 17. Hurlbut will eventually return to Early Childhood Studies as a faculty member, which is her greatest passion. Her immediate plans are still being considered.

The meeting concluded with Hurlbut and Roby addressing concerns about the tuition hike. Although tuition is set to increase next fall, more classes could become available, Hurlbut said. Also, a California State University (CSU) education is still among the most affordable in the country.

"We are committed to providing support to our students and will continue to ensure they have the necessary resources to accomplish their academic goals," Hurlbut said.