Recipients of the 2016 Amelia Hammond Staff Council Scholarship got a welcome surprise when University President Soraya M. Coley doubled the amount of money they would receive this year.
The scholarship award was $300, but Coley told the crowd at the Nov. 8 ceremony that her office would match it, increasing the amount to $600.
"We're proud of you, of your commitment to pursue knowledge and continue your education," she said to the four scholarship winners. "We know for many of us, it is not a straight path…I want to acknowledge your determination and applaud you for that."
The Amelia Hammond Staff Scholarship was created in 1979 to help staff members achieve their educational and professional development goals.
The event also include recognition of the management and staff members receiving emeritus awards. Coley thanked staff for the years of dedication and service to Cal Poly Pomona, and said that spirit is one of the reasons she loves calling the university home.
"It's events like this and occasions like this to recognize staff and really acknowledge the contributions that have been made that we forge that climate of good will," she said.
Amelia Hammond Staff Council Scholarships recipients:
- Darren Isomoto - marketing coordinator for the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation
- Bruce Kennedy - compliance associate for the Office of Research
- Daniel Mello - lead painter for Facilities Planning & Management
- Christina Wade - web developer and designer for Campus and Web Applications

Management and Staff Emeritus Awards
- Sheryl A. Adams - Student Accounting Services
- Brenda E. Arnold - University Library
- Desiree C. Baker - The Collins College of Hospitality Management
- Catherine S. Bates - IT Administrative Applications
- Deborah B. Bravo - Faculty Affairs
- Armando Bustamante - Distribution Services
- Joanne Casey - Foundation Dining Services
- Dora L. Chapman - Career Center
- Patricia C. De La Rocha - College of Business Administration
- Mina C. Figueroa - IT Services
- Douglas P. Glaeser - University Advancement
- Martha A. Guarnett - College of Business Administration
- Carrie Hampton - Foundation Administration
- Theodore M. Harrington - Facilities Management, Custodial Services
- Angel Herrera - Facilities Management, Custodial Services
- Donna M. Holman - University Advancement
- Joan E. Horn - Procurement & Support Services
- Christine B. Johnson - University Library
- Don Johnson - Facilities Management
- Douglas C. Johnson - College of Science, Physics & Astronomy
- Nancy S. Kitamura - Human Resources
- Pachune Lekadhana - Office of Admission & Outreach
- Rachiel A. Lucero - University Advancement
- Larry M. McAtee - Geological Sciences
- Mary M. McConnell - College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences, Dean's Office
- Deborah S. McFall - University Police
- Glenn L. Miller - Facilities Management
- Carmen Munoz-Silva - Office of Diversity & Compliance
- David L. Patterson - Environmental Health & Safety
- Claudia Pinter-Lucke - Academic Programs
- Anna Raynor - Foundation Administration
- Ana E. Riley - Procurement & Support Services
- Loretta Roth - Office of Diversity & Compliance
- Francisco Salguero - Foundation Facilities & Management
- Diane Savoia - Office of Admissions & Outreach
- Martha M. Schumaker - Student Accounting Services
- Jane Self - Payroll Services
- Karen Sellers - Foundation Bookstore
- Louana M. Tipton - University Library
- Robin C. Tomasso - Academic Senate
- Joe O. Walker - Facilities Management, Custodial Services
- William (Bruce) Wilson - University Police
- Abel F. Zamora - IT Campus & Web Applications