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Photo Contest Winners Announced

Billy Bronco at the photo contest gallery.

How do you capture Cal Poly Pomona in photos? Arabian horses, Cal Poly Pomona's scenic campus, and the CLA Building are the three winners of an online vote in the 75th Anniversary Photo Contest.

The photos are: "Oscillation in Space" by Neil Johnson, "Graceful Resolution" by Spencer Fennik, and "Toward a Bright Future" by Khanh Nga.

The 75th Anniversary Photo Contest asked for the best photos representing Cal Poly Pomona. A panel of judges looked at more than 500 entries and picked 15 photos for the exhibit in the Bronco Student Center art gallery.

In January, Cal Poly Pomona's Facebook fans voted more than 600 times for their favorite pictures. The three favorites received about 66 percent of the overall vote. They will each receive a $50 Bronco Bucks gift card.

The 15 photos are on display in the Bronco Student Center art gallery through this Homecoming Weekend.