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President's Video Update for June 10

With a wide variety of events and celebrations, commencement reminds all of us about the university's mission, President Ortiz said in his final video message of the academic year.

Cultural graduation celebrations began last week, reflecting Cal Poly Pomona's great diversity. The actual commencement ceremonies will span three days, beginning Friday.

"Every class, every final, every job is about providing our students successful learning experiences and preparing them for successful careers," Ortiz said. "As I shake each graduate's hand and watch them walk across the stage at commencement, I imagine the limitless potential they have to shape their career fields and their communities."

Ortiz is cautiously optimistic that the university will face brighter times ahead fiscally. If the governor's budget is approved, the state will begin taking incremental steps toward reinvesting in higher education. The president thanked students, faculty and staff for persevering through difficult fiscal times and yet continuing to make Cal Poly Pomona among the best public universities in the Western United States.

Looking ahead, Ortiz encouraged new graduates and retirees to remain connected to the campus as Cal Poly Pomona will celebrate its 75th anniversary this fall.

The video message concluded with an annual tradition: a slideshow by university photographer Tom Zasadzinski.

To read the entire video message, download a PDF of the transcript.