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Many questions at Pizza with the Presidents deal with big-picture issues: safety, parking, costs, and curriculum. Finding answers can be an ongoing process. Sometimes, however, the concerns are specific and a solution is at hand.

At the winter quarter Pizza with the Presidents in January, a student complained about the lack of access to drinking water in the University Library's 24-hour computer lab, pointing out that people had to go into the restrooms to fill their water bottles.

Cal Poly Pomona's Annual Fund program stepped in to provide a solution. The Annual Fund, which employs 32 students who reach out to alumni, parents and students to support the university, raised more than $5,000 for the Annual Fund Senior Gift Program. In May, a water dispenser unit will be installed in the library's computer lab, allowing students to fill their bottles conveniently. A plaque dedicating the dispenser - a gift from the Class of 2012 - will be installed in June.