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ASI Gives Back with Project Homeless Connect to Aid Homeless

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ASI and the university community are spreading some holiday cheer by teaming up with local organizations to benefit the needy.

We were seeking an opportunity to do something for the community and those who are less fortunate," says Nika Hemati, secretary of sustainability. With the city of Pomona and Inland Valley Hope Partners, ASI is lending its efforts to Project Homeless Connect, a national community program that provides medical services, meals, and housing and job information for the homeless.

For the first time, ASI partnered with the city and local organizations to collect clothing, hygienic products, canned food and electronics. Donation boxes have been stationed at the Bronco Student Center, deans' offices, Los Olivos Dining Commons and the residence halls. Hemati says that many articles of clothing, blankets and hygienic items have already been donated, but that all donations are appreciated.

Organizations on campus are lending their support to this cause in many ways: In November, the Bronco Fitness Center collected dozens of canned food items through a member initiative, while during an athletic trip, the women's basketball team collected toiletries from their hotels. "As volunteers, we are bridging the gap between the city of Pomona and the university," Hemati says.

The donation drive ends on Dec. 4, but there are still ways to get involved. On Dec. 6, the collected goods will be taken to the National Guard Armory, located near downtown Pomona. ASI urges students to also volunteer at the day's events, which will include donation distribution and health screenings. To volunteer or for more information, contact Hemati at