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CSU Considers Budget Alternatives

CPP News

The Board of Trustees will discuss CSU-wide strategies to reduce costs and increase revenues at its board meeting tomorrow. University officials will present some of the difficult budget options if Gov. Jerry Brown's tax measure fails in November.

If voters do not approve the measure, Proposition 30, the CSU faces an additional $250 million mid-year "trigger" cut on top of the $750 million reduction from last year, lowering state funding to $1.8 billion. That would be the lowest level of state funding the system has received in 17 years and nearly 40 percent below CSU funding only five years ago.

Some of the proposed budget strategies include a reduction in payroll costs, a "triggered" mid-year tuition fee increase and enrollment reductions. The board will hear the final budget recommendations in September and is expected to vote on them.

"These are all difficult challenges and choices that the CSU must consider to address our severe budget situation," said Robert Turnage, assistant vice chancellor for budget.

For more information about the budget crisis and Board of Trustees meeting, go to