The CSU's Systemwide Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) will hold special webcast on Monday, June 11 that will be fully devoted to hearing from the CSU community. The event will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. in Ursa Major AB, Bronco Student Center.
Attendees will have another opportunity to write questions so they can be submitted to the committee.
At the first meeting on May 23, SBAC committee members reviewed various strategies to address the significant reduction in state funding. However, the meeting did not allow enough time for comments or questions.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the webcast and provide live feedback to the committee members. Input from the entire CSU community is needed on the strategies, as well as suggestions for assisting in reducing costs or increasing revenue.
The Cost Reduction and Revenue Enhancement Strategies document is available at
Many comments and questions were submitted to the Budget Strategies mailbox and during the first webcast. A FAQ is being developed and will be posted on the CSU Budget Strategies Review webpage by Friday, June 8.