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Meat Science Club Member Wins at Competition

Meat Science club members Professor Shelton Murinda, Summer Hutchcroft, Sarah George, Rachael Fisher, Melissa Stevens and club co-advisor Robert Karmann.

The Meat Science Club attended the California Association of Meat Processors annual convention on Feb. 23-26 at Chico State University. Club members Sarah George, Rachael Fisher, Summer Hutchcroft and Melissa Stevens individual competed in a sausage competition ¿ develop and make a fresh, un-smoked and uncooked sausage using any ingredient. The sausage can be made with beef, lamb, pork or veal. After judges looked at exterior and interior characteristics, the sausage is cooked and evaluated for aroma, taste and feel. Cal Poly Pomona competed against students from five other universities in California.

Melissa Stevens took home the Reserve Grand Champion prize for her Hatzbach sausage. It consists of lean pork shoulder meat with parmesan cheese, white wine, apple cider vinegar and an assortment of spices. Stevens' sausage currently is not for sale, but the on-campus meat lab is exploring the possibility of selling it at the lab and at the Farm Store.

(Photo from left to right: Professor Shelton Murinda, Summer Hutchcroft, Sarah George, Rachael Fisher, Melissa Stevens and club co-advisor Robert Karmann.)