CSU Advocates for Budget, Warns of Consequences
The CSU is continuing its efforts to educate legislators on the consequences of the current approved $500 million cut to its 2011-12 budget and the ramifications of deeper cuts.
Cal Poly Pomona President J. Michael Ortiz participated last week in a panel discussing the further harm additional cuts to higher education would have on the state as part of a series of budget hearings being held by the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee. In addition, CSU San Bernardino President Albert Karnig joined California State Assembly Speaker John A. Perez and legislators in Rialto for a budget summit on April 19.
Gov. Brown's proposed state budget depends on a bipartisan vote to extend several taxes, subject to final approval by the state's voters. Without these revenues, the governor has repeatedly stated that severe additional cuts to higher education and other programs will be needed to balance the budget.
CSU alumnus Stuart Sunshine, a vice president at the engineering and construction firm, Parsons Brinckerhoff, and a representative of the Bay Area Council, spoke at an April 14 hearing of the state Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee and told legislators that the pipeline of well-qualified graduates to the state's businesses will be compromised if CSU enrollment is further reduced by an "all cuts" state budget.
CSU Assistant Vice Chancellor for Budget Robert Turnage, also at the hearing, said if the CSU was forced to raise tuition beyond the already approved amount for fall 2011, for the first time students may be paying more than the state contributes for their education.
Other recent CSU advocacy efforts have included the California State Student Association (CSSA)'s lobby day at the capitol April 18 and the Academic Senate's Legislative Day in Sacramento April 12. More information.
Enrollment Demand Increases but Budget Cuts Limit Admissions
Demand to attend the California State University is at an all-time high, with the CSU receiving more than 621,000 applications for admission for this coming fall. Of these applications, close to 222,000 will result in admission offers for students and 10,000 more students could be admitted and enrolled if the CSU's 2011-12 budget were not being reduced by $500 million.
The CSU expects to enroll approximately 25 percent of the resident first-time freshmen admitted (56,000) and roughly 50 percent of the resident transfer students admitted (45,000). The university estimates that 97 percent of the enrolling freshman class and 96 percent of enrolling undergraduate transfer students will be California residents. Overall, 2011 admissions will increase by more than 30,000 from 2010, with increases in the number of African American (1,250) and Hispanic (17,000) students.
The 2011-12 budget will reduce the CSU's state support to approximately the same level as in 1999-2000 but the university now serves 70,000 more students. The reduction of $500 million represents a best-case scenario for the CSU as proposed cuts could be far greater if the state passes an "all-cuts" budget. Further reductions in state support would force the CSU to consider drastic cost-cutting measures including closing admissions, reducing classes and course offerings, increasing tuition, eliminating programs and services, and reducing the workforce. More information.
New Trustee Appointed, Carter Reappointed
Gov. Jerry Brown has announced the appointment of Steven M. Glazer to the California State University Board of Trustees, and the reappointment of Dr. Herbert L. Carter to the board.
Glazer, 53, of Orinda, previously served as senior political advisor and campaign manager of the Brown for Governor campaign in 2010. He is the president of Glazer & Associates, a strategic and communications consulting company that he formed in 1989 and is also vice mayor of the Orinda City Council. Glazer is an alumnus of San Diego State and served as the president of Associated Students, the university's student governing group.
First appointed to the Board of Trustees in 2004 and most recently serving in the capacity of chair, Dr. Herbert Carter, 77, served as the acting president for California State University, Dominguez Hills from 1998 to 1999, where he also served as a trustee professor from 1995 to 1998. Additionally, Carter served as the president and chief executive officer of the United Way from 1992 to 1995. He has served in the Office of the Chancellor as executive vice chancellor from 1987 to 1992, vice chancellor of administration from 1983 to 1987, assistant executive vice chancellor from 1978 to 1983 and system-wide affirmative action officer from 1974 to 1978.
Candidates Announced for San Diego Presidency
The California State University Board of Trustees has announced three finalists for the presidency of San Diego State University: Elliot Hirshman, provost and senior vice president, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Steven Leath, vice president for research and sponsored programs, University of North Carolina system; and Paul J. Zingg, president of California State University, Chico. The candidates are meeting with various groups on the campus this week.
The new president will succeed President Stephen L. Weber who is retiring after 15 years. The board will name the new president the week of May 9.
Interim President Appointed at East Bay
Dr. Leroy M. Morishita, executive vice president and chief financial officer of administration and finance at San Francisco State University, has been named interim president of CSU East Bay. His appointment becomes effective July 1, 2011, when current CSU East Bay President Mohammad Qayoumi begins as president of San Jose State University. More information.