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President's Video Update for Jan. 31

President's Video Update for Jan. 31

President Michael Ortiz gives his video message on Jan. 31.

The state budget crisis and its impact on the CSU and Cal Poly Pomona are the focus on President Ortiz's weekly video update. Click here to watch the video.

The proposed $500 million reduction to the CSU's 2010-11 budget will translate into a $25 million cut, or 20 percent, to Cal Poly Pomona's general fund allocation of $124 million.

About 84 percent of the CSU's total operating expenditures goes to faculty and staff compensation and benefits. "As we look to 2011-12, we clearly cannot address the best-case scenario of cuts without making painful decisions about what this university can - and cannot - support," Ortiz says."

In the coming weeks, each CSU campus will be preparing a first-phase budget contingency plan. At Cal Poly Pomona, campus stakeholders will give input into the plan, which is due to the Chancellor's Office by March 1.

Despite the budget woes, a CSU education is still one of the best values in the country. According to a Education Trust, a nonprofit advocacy group, Cal Poly Pomona is ranked 14th among the most cost-efficient universities (with more than 15,000 students) in the nation. Also, Cal Poly Pomona graduates have an average salary of more than $48,000 after graduation, with mid-career salaries at more than $93,000.

"No question, we are California's best hope for a brighter economic future. You are likely someone who has benefited from this university or another public institution," Ortiz says. "As I have done in the past, I strongly encourage each of you to take every opportunity to advocate for the CSU - especially to our elected leaders."

"Your voice is needed more than ever. We need you to help us get through these turbulent times."

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To read the entire message, a PDF of the transcript is available online.