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International Education Week Celebrates World Cultures

International Education Week Celebrates World Cultures

Top portion of flyer for International Education Week 2010Cal Poly Pomona has a week full of exciting events for the fifth annual International Education Week, Nov. 15-19.

This year's theme is "Exploring your World" and will celebrate international education and exchange.

"International Education Week provides the campus opportunities to Explore Your World through food, art, film, entertainment, and sports. Each event of the week allows students, faculty and staff to experience various cultures on campus. The International Center welcomes everyone to participate," says Becky Cheng, budget analyst in the International Center.

The week kicks off on Monday, Nov. 15 with a luncheon at Los Olivos. No RSVP is necessary. The price is $7.25 and $6.75 for students paying with Bronco Bucks.

Other events this week include:

Tuesday, Nov. 16
Explore Your World through Art & Fashion, and Study Abroad
Noon, University Park
This event focuses on expanding students' horizons through the arts and travel. The fair will include booths with information about studying abroad and international art by Cal Poly Pomona students.

Wednesday, Nov. 17
Explore Your World through Film
5 p.m., International Center, Building 1-104
Enjoy a potluck, international film and karaoke

Thursday, Nov. 18
Explore Your World through Music and Dance
Noon, University Park
Entertainment and club food fair

Friday, Nov. 19
Explore your World through Sports
4 p.m., Darlene May Gym
The International Center will host a Dodgeball tournament

For more information, visit