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President Ortiz's Video Message for Oct. 11

President Ortiz's video message on Oct. 11, 2010.In his first video message of the 2010-11 academic year, President Oritz talks about the recently approved state budget and how it affects the CSU.

The budget restores $199 million to the CSU and provides an additional $60.6 million for enrollment growth. In addition, federal stimulus funding allows the university to admit new students for the 2011 winter and spring quarters and add class sections and seats.

"The new budget provides as much support to the CSU as we could have hoped for, especially when you consider that the Governor and Legislature had to address a $19 billion deficit," Ortiz says. "We are in a better place than many other state agencies, largely because of your work and the support of our alumni and friends in the community."

The upcoming WASC team visit, from Oct. 20-22, will be important to everyone on campus and require everyone's participation, Ortiz says. The WASC website includes details about the accreditation visit and information to help prepare for potential questions from the evaluators. The campus community is invited to a reception on Oct. 19, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at Kellogg House Pomona and an open forum on Oct. 21 at noon in the University Library.

The message also highlights two upcoming community events - the annual Pumpkin Festival at the Farm Store on Oct. 16-17 and Matt's Run on Oct. 16.

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To read the entire message, a PDF of the transcript is available online.