Ask 10 people what sets Cal Poly Pomona apart, and you'll probably get 10 different answers. Through the identity campaign, which started in 2009, the university hopes to strengthen and unify its brand.
The long-term and multi-channel campaign features dramatic black-and-white images that highlight the university's polytechnic approach, which provides valuable hands-on learning opportunities for students.
"This is historic for Cal Poly Pomona. We've never done anything like this before," says President Michael Ortiz. "Strengthening our identity is an absolute must if we want to attract more external support. This initiative will lay the groundwork for a successful comprehensive campaign."
The identity campaign complements the comprehensive fundraising campaign, which will strengthen the university's educational mission by providing student scholarships, endowed faculty positions, facilities and classroom resources.
Successful fundraising efforts rely on a solid university identity that people can relate to and have an affinity for. Alumni who give back often say they are motivated by their memories of when they were students.
"We want to spur our alumni to reflect on their own education, which helps them see the value of philanthropy," says Bob Balzer, executive director of the comprehensive campaign. "Those who give know that it can be rewarding, fulfilling and inspiring to others."
The identity campaign began in fall 2009 with full-page images in university publications and posters inside academic buildings. During the comprehensive fundraising campaign, the identity campaign will expand throughout campus and into the communities served by Cal Poly Pomona.