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President Ortiz Highlights $42 Million Kellogg Gift

President Ortiz Highlights $42 Million Kellogg Gift

President Ortiz talks about the $42 million gift from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in a video message on Aug. 5, 2010.In a special summer video message, President Ortiz provides details of the historic $42 million gift from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. He talks about the mission of the Kellogg Foundation, the purpose of the endowment, and how the gift will transform the university.

Through the challenge grant, the Kellogg Foundation hopes to excite Cal Poly Pomona alumni and supporters for the upcoming $150 million comprehensive campaign. The challenge is designed to inspire additional giving and philanthropy.

The president's video message can be viewed below and on the I&IT Video website, which also includes video archives.

To view a transcript of the video message, visit /news/img/stories/presidentmessage080510.pdf.

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Campaign seal or logo for the $150 million comprehensive fundraising campaign for Cal Poly Pomona.
Cal Poly Pomona has embarked on a $150 million comprehensive fundraising campaign to ensure that a quality college education is within reach for future generations of students. The campaign will strengthen the university's ability to provide a hands-on education, to prepare students for the changing demands of the workplace, and to increase research and scholarship opportunities. The fundraising campaign relies on the support of the entire campus community - from alumni to faculty and staff to friends of the university. For more information, visit