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Phi Kappa Tau Named Most Outstanding National Chapter

Phi Kappa Tau Named Most Outstanding National Chapter

Cal Poly Pomona???s Delta Tau chapter of Phi Kappa Tau

Cal Poly Pomona's Delta Tau chapter of Phi Kappa Tau, a national fraternal organization, has been named most outstanding national chapter for the 2009-10 academic year at the fraternity's 59th National Convention in Denver, Colo.

Delta Tau received the Roland Maxwell Trophy for exceeding the fraternity's standards in a number of categories, including recruitment, philanthropy, grade point average and community service.

Chapter president Dan Moussavi was awarded the Clinton D. Boyd Vice President of Alumni Relations Award, which honors a student for his/her success in alumni relations. As vice president of alumni relations in 2009-10, Moussavi managed the chapter's contact list, history records, organized four alumni events and sent out a quarterly newsletter.

Greek Life senior coordinator Jenni Adams received an Outstanding Greek Advisor Award for the second consecutive year for her work the fraternity and the campus Greek community.