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Celebrate Stories of Successful Learning

Mikhail Gershfeld of civil engineering and Gary McGavin of architecture look over a model of a bridge at the Stories of Successful Learning event in 2008.

Learning happens in all forms and places - in a kitchen, on a cattle ranch, on stage, in a computer lab or in a department office. Faculty, staff and students will share the many different ways they learn at the "Stories of Successful Learning" event on April 28.

The third annual event, held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Ursa Major, is designed to give the campus community a better understanding of educational effectiveness and the university's mission. It also promotes a culture of inquiry, evidence and improvement - core values of a learning-centered university.

"I am excited about this third year of the Stories of Successful Learning," says Claudia Pinter-Lucke, associate vice president for academic programs. "We are starting to see projects coming back with new posters showcasing how they have improved what they are doing based on an assessment of their practices."

More than 55 posters will be on display for viewing and discussion. Poster submissions are due April 14.

For more details about the event, visit