President Ortiz begins his weekly video message with congratulations to several groups for their achievements: a successful theater production, the basketball teams' berth into the NCAA Division II Tournament, and Rideshare members' daily commitment to public transportation.
The president's message updates the campus on the state budget situation and how it affects higher education. According to a recent poll, Californians favor spending cuts over tax increases to deal with the state's $20 billion budget deficit, Ortiz says. The president encourages the campus community to be proactive in advocating for higher education by contacting local state assembly members and state senators.
Last week, offensive graffiti was found inside a residence hall, Ortiz says. The university has opened a criminal investigation, and University Housing Services, the Office of Student Life and the Cultural Centers have conducted forums for students to discuss the issue and their concerns.
For a transcript of the video message, visit /news/img/stories/presidentmessage03082010.pdf.
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