Each year, the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) hosts the Turf Bowl intercollegiate competition, a comprehensive test focusing on all aspects of the superintendent profession. Three Cal Poly Pomona teams participated in the competition last month in San Diego, competing against 67 teams from 31 universities. Cal Poly Pomona placed eighth, 31st and 37th overall. The teams also placed first, second and fourth in the essay portion.
Turf Bowl team members are: Phillip Cahoun, Marvin Seaman, Jason Lapworth, Lydia Rodriguez, Zach Agrums, Kirk Weatherton, Larry Heath, Andrew Genovese, Brianne Baird, Tyler Schulz, Chris Persechini, and Punit Mehta. Two local GCSAA chapters, the Hi-Lo and Southern California, supported the teams' efforts through donations.