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President's Video Update for Feb. 22

President's Video Update for Feb. 22

President Ortiz gives a video message on Feb. 22, 2010.

In his weekly video message, President Ortiz discusses some of the changes that will affect admissions for incoming students and residence life. With more than 25,000 applications and room for about 3,000 incoming full-time students, Cal Poly Pomona must enforce stricter evaluations for fall 2010 applicants.

In addition, first-time freshmen from outside the campus' local service area will be required to live on campus. Studies have shown that students who live on campus have higher graduation rates than commuter students. To help some students meet the additional cost, the university will offer greater financial aid support.

During his six-minute message, the president announces that the university will award honorary doctorates during the June commencement ceremonies to Sarah Ludwick, through the College of Agriculture, and to Art Ludwick, through the College of Science. The Ludwicks, who are longtime business leaders and philanthropists in the region, were individually evaluated by a campus faculty group and representatives of the CSU Board of Trustees.

The final two basketball home games of the regular season are on this Thursday and Friday evening. The president encourages the campus community to show its support for the Broncos when they take on CSU Monterey Bay and San Francisco State.

For a transcript of the video message, visit /news/img/stories/presidentmessage022210.pdf.

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