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Emeritus Ceremony Honors Outstanding Employees

Fourteen Cal Poly Pomona retirees will be recognized with Distinguished Management & Staff Emeritus status on Thursday, Nov. 12, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Bronco Student Center, Centaurus Room.

Established in 1981, the honor is given to retired staff and
management employees who have worked at the university for at least 10
years and have demonstrated outstanding job performance, support of
university programs and involvement in campus activities. The upcoming
ceremony will honor those retiring between July 1, 2008 and June 30.

As honorees, emeriti are granted privileges such as free parking;
use of the University Library; free admission to campus events, such as
athletic, music and theatre events; use of campus recreational, dining
services and social facilities; a Cal Poly Pomona e-mail account; and
various discount coupons.

For more information, contact Becky Pepping at (909) 869-6842 or

The honorees for this year are:

  • Randy Burger, Cal Poly English Language Institute
  • Pat Chiappetta, University Library
  • Bonnie Lyon, Cal Poly Pomona Foundation
  • Therese Mahoney, College of Environmental Design
  • Karen Miller, Intercollegiate Athletics
  • Lucy Miranda, Collins College of Hospitality Management
  • Aida Morad, Office of Public Affairs
  • Kathy Morgan, College of Environmental Design
  • Jackie Peterson, Parking & Transportation Services
  • Harold Schleifer, University Library
  • Margaret Shimabukuro, College of Science, Chemistry
  • Susan Vienna, Academic Affairs, bnVice President's Office
  • Pat Wilberding, Facilities Planning & Management
  • Rudy Vargas, (Posthumously) I&IT Learning (Media Vision)