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Remodeling the RKR Kitchen

Remodeling the RKR Kitchen

Christine Lam, a senior hospitality student, takes the covering off a new oven.The Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch, the student laboratory at The Collins College for Hospitality Management, underwent its first complete renovation since it opened 20 years ago. The summer remodel was funded solely by private donations from Andrew and Peggy Cherng and gifts-in-kind from the Fischer Group, Cambro Manufacturing Company, MICROS Systems and Ecolab.

"This is the kind of remodel that will make our alumni envious. It's like when mom and dad dig that swimming pool after their kids have moved out," said Dean Andy Feinstein. "Our students are going to be learning how to run a restaurant with just about brand-new EVERYTHING."

The floor plan remained the same because it works well for
instruction. However, from the gas stoves, to the convection ovens, to
the warewashing system, students will be working with the latest
top-of-the-line equipment. The floor itself was completely resurfaced,
walls were painted and more. The new equipment is energy efficient so
the college will save on energy costs and contribute more to the
Presidents' Climate Commitment, which puts the university on a track to
reduce its carbon emissions and become climate neutral.

Dr. Jerry Chesser worked throughout the spring with the companies
acquiring gifts-in-kind and significantly discounted items to stretch
the Cherngs' donations to the max. Chesser managed to do the $500,000
project with a budget of roughly half as much.

Michael Godfrey, associate dean, and Chitra Perera discuss the renovation The Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch."Jerry championed this project for the students and the college,"
said Associate Dean Michael Godfrey, who also contributed to the
project throughout the summer. "He stretched funds as far as they could
go, which is exactly what we need in this budget climate if we are to
continue providing the best for our students."

A few of the specialized items in the new kitchen include: the flat
screen MICROS Kitchen Display and point-of-service system; numerous new
Blodgett ranges and convection ovens; Utility reach-ins and cold
drawers; a blast chiller, and, as the centerpiece of the remodel, a
custom-built chef island.

The remodel was a large enough project to take a whole team of
people at the college. Chitra Perera, Jenesie Hardyman, Randi
Kirshbaum, Cathy Hilliard and Barbara Russell and students, Christine
Lam and Steven Satterberg each helped in a variety of ways to bring the
project online.