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CalNAGPRA/NAGPRA and Tribal Relations

Campus Committees

Campus Committees

On behalf of the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), the California State University (CSU) is soliciting and accepting applications for the Systemwide and Campus Committees.  The purpose of the committees is to provide oversight and guidance for the development and implementation of Systemwide and Campus CalNAGPRA and federal NAGPRA compliance, which includes NAGPRA policy development. Nominee candidates will be interviewed by the NAHC for potential Commission nomination and appointment by the CSU Chancellor or the chancellor’s designee.  The CSU is referencing the requirements as outlined in Assembly Bill 389 Section 8028.7 and Section 8028.71 to guide the committee selection and policy development processes.

For more information please see the CSU site

Cal Poly Pomona Committee

  • Sandy Kewanhaptewa-Dixon, Professor of Ethnic and Women’s Studies and Repatriation Tribal Liaison
  • The Honorable Dee Dee Manzanares Ybarra, Tribal Chairperson, Ohlone-Rumsen

From February 2022 through March 2024 the Presidential Advisory Committee on Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation led Cal Poly Pomona’s effort in implementing the spirit and legislative requirements of the federal Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and state CalNAGPRA.

Specifically, the committee was charged with advising the President on matters related to the implementation of AB 275. This included:

  1. providing ongoing management, compliance oversight of processes and structures to facilitate repatriation;
  2. making determinations regarding the identification of remains, funerary, and cultural objects, including the appropriate consultation with Tribal representatives;
  3. making recommendations to the President regarding the identification and repatriation of items; and
  4. promoting implementation of AB 275 and enhanced campus engagement with Tribal representatives and the Native American community off and on campus.

Committee Membership

  • Pat Hawthorne, Dean, University Library (Chair)
  • Claudia Garcia-Des Lauriers, Director, Kellogg Honors College/ Assoc. Professor, Geography and Anthropology
  • Madison Garcia, Student Representative
  • Nicole Hawkes, Chief of Staff, Office of the President
  • Alvaro Huerta, Religion and Public Life Organizing Fellow, Harvard Divinity School/Assoc. Professor, Urban & Regional Planning and Ethnic & Women’s Studies
  • Sandy Kewanhaptewa-Dixon, Professor of Ethnic and Women’s Studies and Repatriation Tribal Liaison
  • Naman Pandadiya, ASI Student Representative
  • Erica Ben, Administrative Support Coordinator, College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
  • Saarah Munir, Repatriation Coordinator
  • Armando Madrid, Associate Dean of Students, Student Advocacy & Support