Cohort 12 (2010 - 2011)
Patricia Amoroto
Gender, Ethnicity, and Multicultural Studies
Mentor: Dr. Jocelyn Pacleb
Claudia Bracamontes
Chemical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Tanya Faltens
Amber Butcher
Geological Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Jeff Marshall
Benjamin Clarke
Mentor: Dr. Juliana Fuqua
Jennifer Cryer
Philosophy and Economics
Mentor: Dr. Lynda M. Rush
Marques Dickson
English Literature and Business Finance
Mentor: Dr. Patricia De Freitas
Joel Espinoza
Urban and Regional Planning
Mentor: Dr. Gwen Urey
Alexander Gutierrez
Computer Science
Mentor: Dr. Amar Raheja
Natalie Hewko
English Literature
Mentor: Dr. Andrew I. Moss
Deandre King
Mentor: Dr. Andrew Voss
Ida Legesse
Political Science
Mentor: Dr. Renford Reese
Victoria Pantoja
Mentor: Dr. Jill C. Wenrick
Jena Portanova
Mentor: Dr. Edward Bobich
Krisha Pruhs
Mentor: Dr. Dorothy Wills
Brian Ramirez
Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Mehrdad Haghi
Mianna Rodriguez
Mentor: Dr. Mark Allen
Sarah Saleemi
Mentor: Dr. Joan Leong
Diana Valadez
Mentor: Dr. Mark Allen
Gabriella Vargas
Mentor: Dr. Nancy Alvarado
Joshua Wilson
Chemical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Mingheng Li
Ellie Wood
Ethnic and Women's Studies, Sociology
Mentor: Dr. Faye L. Wachs
Jessica Yang
Gender, Ethnicity, and Multicultural Studies
Mentor: Dr. Gilbert Cadena